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Тема: «Mirror Window Always on Top , Mirror » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 1815
William Starck
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Всего сообщений: 1
Дата регистрации: 17.04.2021
Создано: 17.04.2021 21:49:56
I'm running a game on monitor 2 and I'm trying to get a Mirror to run on top of it.  How please??

I can't find a run on top setting on the mirror or in the config.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Всего сообщений: 4028
Дата регистрации: 04.04.2012
Создано: 20.04.2021 19:59:15
Hello, William

Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, Actual Multiple Monitors doesn't provide the Stay always-on-top features. You can try our main product Actual Window Manager, which provides all the features presented in our other products. You will need to create Specific Settings for the mirror window. It's easy to use the crosshair tool in the Target Window section of specific settings to specify the mirror window as target window: just drag it over the mirror window and release - the Target Window criteria fields will be filled automatically with right values. Then you can additionally enable the "Window caption" criterion so that the settings are applied to this particular mirror window and not to other mirror windows.

In the "Startup" section of the settings for the mirror window enable the "Stay always-on-top" action and press Apply. See if the mirror window now opens on top of the game.

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Best regards.

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