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Тема: «[AMM] Taskbar transparency inconsistent behaviour » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 25440
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Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 11.08.2017
Создано: 11.08.2017 15:12:49
Let me preface by saying that I absolutely love this program, to the point where it's actually the first time I buy an actual software rather than use open source/free alternatives.

I did however notice a few inconsistencies with the behaviour of the taskbar so I thought I'd post about them here:

Environment :
Windows 10 - Build 1703 (Creators Upd ate) - 64 bits
Actual Multiple Monitors v8.11.1

Bug #1 : Taskbar transparency option affecting system taskbar

Steps to reproduce :
Multiple Monitors -> Taskbar -> Transparency -> Set to any value and apply.

Expected Result :
Only the multi monitor taskbars should have their transparency changed.

Actual Result :
The system taskbar on the primary monitor is affected by the transparency slider, in addition to whatever other settings that might affect it, be they from third party apps or not.
Tested with the transparency setting from Windows itself, then with Stardock WindowBlinds, and finally with Classic Shell.
Every time, the slider would multiply the transparency effect on the system taskbar.

Bug #2 : Taskbar transparency option affecting items and icons on the taskbar

Steps to reproduce :
Multiple Monitors -> Taskbar -> Transparency -> Se t to any value and apply.

Expected Result :
Now I'm not sure about this, but I think the expected result would be that the items on the taskbar would remain visible, and only the background would be affected.

Actual Result :
All the icons, toolbars, and other items on the toolbar are affected by the slider. This also extends to icons on the system taskbar.

Bug #3 : Start menu not opening on the correct screen with 3rd party start menu replacers.

Steps to reproduce :
Have the mouse cursor be on secondary screen, and press the windows key.

Expected Result :
Start menu should open on the secondary monitor.

Actual Result :
Start menu always opens on the main monitor.

Note concerning bug #3 : Clicking on the start button opens the start menu on the correct screen. It's only the windows key behaviour that's affected.
Tested with Classic Shell, Start10, and StartIsBack++. All three apps have the same issue, despite all 3 apps working correctly with normal windows taskbars if you enable their respective options.

Thanks for your time, and I hope this is useful feedback.
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Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 11.08.2017
Создано: 15.08.2017 13:52:24
Another bug to add to my little list :

Clicking on an icon (or group) in the AMM taskbars does not maximize/minimize the window(s) that correspond to it.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Всего сообщений: 4038
Дата регистрации: 04.04.2012
Создано: 15.08.2017 21:03:20
Hello, NeoCJ

Taskbar transparency option affecting system taskbar
This is not a bug. The "Transparency" option is placed in the "General" section of the taskbar options, and the options in this section are intended to work both for Actual Multiple Monitors taskbars and standard Windows taskbar.
Do you need the ability to have this setting separately for each taskbar?

Taskbar transparency option affecting items and icons on the taskbar
This is also not a bug, but we'll consider the expected behavior as a feature request and will let you know if/when it's implemented.

Start menu not opening on the correct screen with 3rd party start menu replacers
I can confirm this for Classic Shell and StartIsBack++, but I was unable to reproduce the issue with Start10 2.0.9. What version of Start10 are you running and what are your Start10 settings?

Clicking on an icon (or group) in the AMM taskbars does not maximize/minimize the window(s) that correspond to it.
Windows shouldn't maximize upon clicking their icon, they should restore from miminized mode and/or become active. There were some problems with minimization upon clicking taskbar buttons, but they have been fixed. The fix will be available in the next update.
Are you sure there are some problems with maximizatioin?

Best regards.
������������������ ������������

Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 11.08.2017
Создано: 15.08.2017 22:51:33
Thanks for your reply :)

Taskbar transparency option affecting system taskbar
This is not a bug. The "Transparency" option is placed in the "General" section of the taskbar options, and the options in this section are intended to work both for Actual Multiple Monitors taskbars and standard Windows taskbar.
Do you need the ability to have this setting separately for each taskbar?
Ah, I see. To be honest I wasn't really sure this was a bug either.
It would be nice to have an option to change the setting separately indeed.

Taskbar transparency option affecting items and icons on the taskbar
This is also not a bug, but we'll consider the expected behavior as a feature request and will let you know if/when it's implemented.
I see, well in that case thanks for having considered that as a feature request, because of all the things that I reported, this was the only thing that really annoyed me about the program.

Start menu not opening on the correct screen with 3rd party start menu replacers
I can confirm this for Classic Shell and StartIsBack++, but I was unable to reproduce the issue with Start10 2.0.9. What version of Start10 are you running and what are your Start10 settings?
This is a bit confusing, there is no version 2.0.9 of Start10 according to the official website.
I'm using the latest available version (1.55) with almost default settings.
Here's a screenshot of the settings page that mentions secondary monitors, everything else I haven't touched, except for setting it to the modern style (but the issue exists with all styles, even default windows 10 anyway).

Clicking on an icon (or group) in the AMM taskbars does not maximize/minimize the window(s) that correspond to it.
Windows shouldn't maximize upon clicking their icon, they should restore from miminized mode and/or become active. There were some problems with minimization upon clicking taskbar buttons, but they have been fixed. The fix will be available in the next update.
Are you sure there are some problems with maximizatioin?
Sorry, this is actually due to a small mistranslation on my part. When talking about maximizing, I was actually referring to just sending the window to the front/becoming active.
Good to know it's been fixed in the next build, thanks!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Всего сообщений: 4038
Дата регистрации: 04.04.2012
Создано: 17.08.2017 17:40:55

Taskbar transparency option affecting system taskbar
It would be nice to have an option to change the setting separately indeed.
We'll consider your request and will post in this topic when it's implemented.

This is a bit confusing, there is no version 2.0.9 of Start10 according to the official website.
Sorry for inaccuracy, i meant, i was unable to reproduce the problem with StartIsBack++ version 2.0.9. What version of StartIsBack++ are you running?

Clicking on an icon (or group) in the AMM taskbars does not maximize/minimize the window(s) that correspond to it.
When talking about maximizing, I was actually referring to just sending the window to the front/becoming active.
The problem with minimizing is known. We haven't received reports about problem with bringing windows to front and I was unable to reproduce it. What programs have you noiced this problem with?

Best regards.
������������������ ������������

Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 11.08.2017
Создано: 18.08.2017 07:13:12
Taskbar transparency option affecting system taskbar
We'll consider your request and will post in this topic when it's implemented.
Thanks. Appreciate that :)

Sorry for inaccuracy, i meant, i was unable to reproduce the problem with StartIsBack++ version 2.0.9. What version of StartIsBack++ are you running?
I was running an older version because of an issue with the creators update when I tried.
I updated to 2.0.9 after reading your post, and it was indeed fixed. So I guess only Classic Shell and Start10 have the problem now. (Tried latest version of both)

Clicking on an icon (or group) in the AMM taskbars does not maximize/minimize the window(s)  
The problem with minimizing is known. We haven't received reports about problem with bringing windows to front and I was unable to reproduce it. What programs have you noiced this problem with?
All sorts of programs (explorer, firefox, office...). However this only applies to grouped icons for the same app.
If there's a single window for a program, clicking on it will send that window to the front. If there are several, it will just display the thumbnail previews (or do nothing if they're already displayed).
I tried to disable thumbnail previews but the problem persisted.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Всего сообщений: 4038
Дата регистрации: 04.04.2012
Создано: 19.08.2017 18:32:03

If there are several, it will just display the thumbnail previews
This is how grouped icons should work. They work this way on Windows native taskbar.

(or do nothing if they're already displayed).
Are you talking about Actual Multiple Monitors taskbar? Do you mean, group items list wasn't disaplyed (see the screenshot)?

������������������ ������������

Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 11.08.2017
Создано: 19.08.2017 22:20:53
Please disregard my previous message, it turns out that I was an idiot, and the feature I was mentioning was not a standard Windows feature, and was instead from a program called Ultimate Windows Tweaks that I was so used to having installed on every Windows install that I forgot about it.

Sorry to have wasted your time with that false bug report, and thanks again for all your replies.

This thread can be closed, since I've been using the program for a while now and am unlikely to stumble upon other bugs concerning the taskbar.

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