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Тема: «How do I get extra buttons to stay away? » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 2373
yuppi cide
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Всего сообщений: 14
Дата регистрации: 24.08.2015
Создано: 02.09.2015 21:25:57
How do I get extra buttons to stay away?

I use dual 27" monitors on Windows 7 64-Bit. I am running your trial version for now, which I think is the full suite of tools.

I tried to set something so when using Steam it doesn't show those extra buttons. I can't access certain features such as chat messages or adding money to my Steam account, etc, because they're hidden behind your extra buttons.

I successfully got them to go away, but every time I start Steam again the buttons are back.

What do I do?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Всего сообщений: 2073
Дата регистрации: 09.11.2010
Создано: 04.09.2015 17:12:01
Hello Yuppi,

Thanks for the post.

You are able to add Specific Settings (Actual Window Manager -> Window Settings -> Specific Settings) for Steam and disable all title buttons on the "Title Buttons" tab. You are also able to add Steam to the Exclusions list of Actual Window Manager (Actual Window Manager -> Window Settings -> Exclusions). If you are experiencing any problems with adjusting Window Settings for Steam, please send us your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support) and attach a link to this thread.

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