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Тема: «Conflict Between AWM and WinMover? , Someone, please test this, if you can... » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 25195
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 11.07.2006 22:18:32
I've reported this problem a number of times over the past couple years (yes, years :)):

With AWM running, many standard file operations hang for ~30-60 seconds. For example, sometimes, when I double click a small text file in an Explorer window, it takes a full minute or longer for the file to be opened in my text editor. When I double click a folder under the Start Menu, to open an Explorer window rooted in that folder, the entire shell (Explorer) freezes for a minute or two before the folder is finally opened.

This problem has kept me from using AWM regularly.  In fact, I've normally only installed new versions as they come out, to see if the problem had somehow been resolved.  (And, each time, I'd uninstall AWM again.)

The other day, I installed AWM 4.0 again.  But this time, I stopped using WinMover entirely.  And for the past couple days, I haven't had any trouble.  So, I'm wondering if WinMover is conflicting with AWM--which seems possible, since WinMover uses global hooks.

Could someone please try running AWM 4.0 and WinMover alongside each other, to see if there is a problem?  A complicating factor is that it might take a long time--maybe days--before the problem crops up.
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 12.07.2006 15:46:02
Ahhhh damn!  It's not WinMover conflicting with AWM...  I just now had the problem occur again, quite out of the blue!  What happens, now, is that when I double click a folder under my Start Menu, it takes a full minute or two for it to appear--and until it does, the entire shell (i.e. Explorer.exe) freezes completely, which is a real problem.

And it took a couple days for this problem to occur, which confuses me completely.

The one thing I am 100% sure of is that it does not happen with AWM not installed.

Has anyone had this problem happen at all?
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 12.07.2006 18:12:42
My other best guess is that there is a conflict with Ad Muncher, since Ad Muncher also uses a global hook.  But I really rely on Ad Muncher, and will not stop using it, even for a few days.
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1428
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 13.07.2006 07:20:56
Scott, thank you very much for such a detailed report. I must excuse for such a long time this bug has not been fixed but you can see yourself how it's elusive and undetermined (the worst kind of bugs, in my opinion).

Of course, we will check AWM together with AdMuncher but, as you understand, there can't be any exact promises.

Thanks again for a possible investigation direction.
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 09.08.2006 18:20:51
Still happens with 4.1.  I think I give up.
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1428
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 10.08.2006 02:02:03
Scott, please, provide me a list of the processes running on your machine. I have just installed the Ad Muncher 4.6 and haven't got any troubles. Also, please, remind me what configuration has your PC (CPU, memory, OS).
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1428
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 10.08.2006 03:22:47
The small addition: I've encountered the delay you described once, trying to start Explorer with Win+E hotkey but Ad Muncher was unloaded at that moment. Not sure if it was a cause for that delay, I coudn't get it else.

And another strange thing I've noticed: if Ad Muncher was started after Actual Window Manager then it blocks AWM from processing the Explorer folder windows - they don't have any AWM extra options at all. If the load order is reversed then everything works as expected.

Please, if it's possible - try to use AWM without Ad Muncher for some time and see if the delay issue appears. Sorry for the possible inconveniences.
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 11.08.2006 01:55:17
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1428
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 15.08.2006 09:40:54
Scott, how was your try to run without Ad Muncher? Were there any noticeable delays?
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 16.08.2006 20:34:25

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