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Тема: «[SOLVED] transparent windows 6.0 & tablet input panel , problems running transparent windows 6.0 on a windows 7 tablet pc » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 26496
victor solis
������������������ ������������
Всего сообщений: 11
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2008
Создано: 12.04.2010 19:43:44
i have installed windows 7 on my samsung q1p tablet pc.  i have 2 issues with transparent windows 6.0:

1. i can not  get the application to make the tablet input panel (tip) to be transparent without creating a separate shortcut to "C:\Program Files\Actual Transparent Window\ActualTransparentWindowCenter.exe" and running the shortcut as administrator.

2. when the app does run, the outline of the tip shows a  transparent white border.
Alexander Belyakov
Всего сообщений: 196
Дата регистрации: 07.06.2007
Создано: 14.04.2010 20:51:56

Unfortunately, to manually start ATW as administrator is the only way to make it apply to TIP and some other system applications (such as Regedit, or MMC).
This limitation will be removed in the soon coming version 6.1.

Could you please post here a screenshot of the TIP window with that white border?
victor solis
������������������ ������������
Всего сообщений: 11
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2008
Создано: 15.04.2010 12:44:59
@alexander, thank you for your reply.  here is what i mean by white border.

Alexander Belyakov
Всего сообщений: 196
Дата регистрации: 07.06.2007
Создано: 15.04.2010 22:27:41
Oh, I see.

You most likely have created a window rule with the following (or similar) settings on the Target Window page:
[ ] Windows Class
[ ] Window Caption
[x] Program: \TabTip.exe

If you have such rule, please change its settings to
[x] Windows Class: IPTip_Main_Window
[ ] Window Caption
[x] Program: \TabTip.exe

If you don't have any separate window rule for the TIP window, please create one with the settings above.

After this please re-start TIP application. The TIP window would become transparent, and the white border won't appear.

Please let me know if this helps or not, or if you have questions.
victor solis
������������������ ������������
Всего сообщений: 11
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2008
Создано: 16.04.2010 12:18:35
thanks, alexander.  that did the trick.  no more white border.
Pim Joosten
Всего сообщений: 549
Дата регистрации: 11.11.2010
Создано: 11.11.2010 09:07:22

I'm new to Actual Window Manager and just downloaded a trial of version 6.2, a.o. to get the TIP window transparent. In this thread Alexander writes that from version 6.1 it should not be necessary to start AWM with administrator rights to be able to make system windows transparent. However, in version 6.2 I still need to start AWM with administrator rights to get the TIP window transparent and use it with other system applications, such as regedit.

The version history of version 6.1 states: “Administrative tools (like Regedit, Event Viewer, etc.) are now extended in Vista/7.”, therefore I thought I should not have to run AWM with administrator rights. Am I misunderstanding something here? It would be so much easier not having to start AWM with administrator rights every time I want to open the TIP window.
victor solis
������������������ ������������
Всего сообщений: 11
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2008
Создано: 11.11.2010 10:31:03
Pim, I'm running 6.2 and I still have to run AWM as a admin.  I have just learned to live it.  Perhaps 6.3 will work better.
Alexander Belyakov
Всего сообщений: 196
Дата регистрации: 07.06.2007
Создано: 11.11.2010 19:41:27

Being a system-level tool, TIP window requires Actual Window Manager to be installed with "Support administrative tools" option turned on (see the screenshot below).

If you haven't checked this option, you can simply re-run the installer.
Unfortunately, there is no way to enable or disable the administrative tools support after the Actual Window Manager in installed, but we are planning to make it easily to switch this mode in one of the future versions of our products.

Please let me know if my advice helps you.

Pim Joosten
Всего сообщений: 549
Дата регистрации: 11.11.2010
Создано: 12.11.2010 02:52:19
Hi Alexander,

Thank you for your prompt and accurate answer. It solved the issue. When I installed AWM I did not realize that this option would also be necessary for the TIP window, and after I had installed it I had forgotten about this option  :(

Everything works fine now. In fact, I like it so much that after just ½ day of trying I purchased a license.

Thanks again
victor solis
������������������ ������������
Всего сообщений: 11
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2008
Создано: 15.11.2010 20:48:25
I did the same thing as Pim and now my TIP is becoming transparent on a reboot.  Thanks.

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