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Тема: «[CONFIRMED] Bug(s)? Taskbar "Replace the System Taskbar" & empty space » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 26654
Bogdan Polishchuk
Всего сообщений: 4038
Дата регистрации: 04.04.2012
Создано: 06.07.2021 22:06:49

It would be easier if you turn off the option in the AMM taskbar menu to make everything return to normal but this is one way as is killing explorer i guess.
I've just tested this - if you disable the Multi-monitor taskbar option in the taskbar settings in AMM configuration module (or if you exit AMM completely) and Windows native taskbars were enabled for multiple monitors previously - then Windows taskbars should be enabled automatically. Please confirm whether they are enabled automatically if you have them enabled before starting AMM.

If they don't appear, please specify the exact number of your Windows build (type winver in the Search field of the Windows Start menu, press Enter. The window containing the build number will appear).

Best regards.
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Всего сообщений: 19
Дата регистрации: 16.07.2019
Создано: 07.07.2021 03:05:51
This works but as i suggested it would be easier if it was just taken care of within the app as opposed to also having Windows interaction.

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