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Тема: «Actual Multiple Monitors software not compatiable with Windows 8.1 , Driver upgrade » в форуме: Technical Support   Просмотров: 3376
Alexander Jackson
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Всего сообщений: 1
Дата регистрации: 11.01.2014
Создано: 11.01.2014 01:00:37
I have Toshiba Dynadoc PA3927U-1PRP that was compatible with the use of Windows 7 Ultimate. Now that I have upgraded to Windows 8.1 Professional the latest and greatest software package is incompatible with my system which is L675D-S7049 laptop. Uninstall procedures and re-install procedures were carried out correctly along with the adaptation of the registration number for the product. Product was downloaded from Toshiba website, installed and configured accordingly. The issue that I have here is with regard to an external DVI LED Viewsonic monitor which keeps freezing and causing all screens to restart constantly with each refresh rate. Removing the dynadock from the system stops the constant restarting of the screen display. Dynadoc has only the DVI being use as opposed to using both the HDMI port and DVI port. None of the other USB ports in use nor is the sound ports being used. I am using the latest multi-window product. Duration of the ecreen restarts is about every 1 minute equal to the refresh of the rate of the monitor. In addition, the refresh rate is not adjustable to a preferred higher rate of 75 or 85 hertz. Would like to know if a new driver is being worked on for dynadoc system that is Windows 8.1 compatible :?: .
Vasiliy Ivachev
Всего сообщений: 2073
Дата регистрации: 09.11.2010
Создано: 31.01.2014 18:34:34
Hello Alexander,

Thanks for the post.

Windows 8.1 32 or 64-bit?

What version of Actual Multiple Monitors are you running?
Are you able to reproduce the problem with Actual Multiple Monitors unloaded?

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